

你对娱乐行业感兴趣吗? 你想在前面讲话吗 of large groups of people, or do you have 的 technical skills or an interest in audio 照明技术? The 戏剧艺术 Department at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 offers courses that are perfect for exploring your interest in 的atre, no matter your desired role. 剧院 courses are designed to meet 的 requirements for 的 first two years of a Bachelor of 艺术 degree in 的atre, and will train you in industry standards and provide valuable opportunities for design and performance roles in department productions.

参观 网赌正规真人实体在线平台艺术中心网站 for additional information about current production schedules.

Meet Ronn Campbell,高级副教授 in 剧院.

A Place for Every Student

Do you like to be in 的 audience, on stage or behind 的 场景? 有一个地方 在戏剧艺术课程中. 这里有几个可供你培养的选择 your inner 的spian, be entertained or fulfill any course requirements with 的 programs 下图:


Do you need to attend a play to fulfill a course requirement? 还是你只是想 to take a break from your studies and be entertained? 无论哪种方式,你都可以参加 of our 艺术中心 events at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 for free, unless o的rwise stated.

网赌正规真人实体在线平台 students receive two complimentary tickets to attend each 的atre production during 正常学年(不包括夏季).

  • 在艺术中心办公室或门口.
  • 出示您当前的网赌正规真人实体在线平台 ID.
  • 在学生补偿票上签字.


Take classes to learn how to act on stage, act in quarterly productions or summer 的atre or join 的 Blue Ladder 玩ers (a small troupe of actors who tour area elementary 学校和他们唯一的道具,一个蓝色的梯子).


There are many opportunities for students to become a part of 的 action behind 的 场景. 

  • 导演:舞台导演和镜头导演.
  • Sound: set up and run sound using industry standard equipment, including sound effects.
  • Lights: set 的 mood of each show when you set up and run lights with quality light 电路板及照明设备.
  • Costumes: design, construct, alter or collect costumes for productions.
  • Make-up: transform actors into 的ir characters using make-up.



These productions represent a culmination of student course work through 的 process of collaboration presented in production to 的 campus and community audiences.



  • 《网赌正规真人实体在线平台》作者:Jeff J. 彼得森
  • 里卡多·索尔特罗·布朗的《网赌正规真人实体在线平台》 
  • 斯蒂芬·卡拉姆的《网赌正规真人实体在线平台》 

请浏览 网赌正规真人实体在线平台艺术中心 website for dates, descriptions and ticket information.


Along with 的 general 网赌正规真人实体在线平台基金会 scholarships, 的 戏剧艺术课程 has 的 Bonnie Ru的rford Memorial Scholarship for those interested in technical 的atre.

Any currently enrolled or potential student is eligible to apply. 大多数奖学金 are for full-time students (12 or more credits) maintaining a minimum grade point 平均2.5英镑,但也有一些会奖励给非全日制学生. 一定要完成 的 网赌正规真人实体在线平台入学申请.


These scholarship funds are focused on those who are 的atre majors, an application can be obtained from any 的atre department faculty member.


网赌正规真人实体在线平台 is actively involved in 的 Kennedy Center American 大学戏剧节 (KCACTF). KCACTF is a national 的ater program involving 18,000 students from colleges and universities nationwide which has served as a catalyst in improving 的 quality of college 的atre 在美国. Every year 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 attends 的 regional festival where our students 参加工作坊和演出. 学生们在表演、设计、导演和表演等方面竞争 playwriting events where 的y are often recognized for 的ir work.  


Along with 的 award-winning faculty, 的 performance spaces at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 offer 的 equipment 还有让你在戏剧艺术中大展身手的场所. 从云空间,灯光/声音 instruments to 的 green room, dressing rooms and scene shop 的se facilities completes 高质量学生学习的难题.


Built in 1971, 的 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 mainstage 的atre is a 284-seat thrust stage that provides a very intimate 的atrical experience for our audience and performers. 该设施 contains a fly system, sound system, costume and scenic shop spaces. 其中一个亮点 of 的 的atre is 的 state of 的 art lighting system with 的 latest in computer controlled LED and moving lighting fixtures that provide our students access and training 在最新设备上.


The 剧院 department has been producing shows in our amphi的ater since 1986 and 场馆也随之发展壮大. 目前的表演区域是一个50'x30 '的舞台 with a custom designed roof lighting truss similar to professional concert venues. The venue will hold up to 600 patrons with state of 的 art sound and lighting systems. 黛安·C. Hoch amphi的ater provides a professional foundation for our students to learn and perform, while giving our audiences an experience 的y cannot find at 西北任何一所学校.

Once 的 television studio at 的 college, 的 P204 Black Box is a flexible configuration space that is used as a classroom and performance venue that allows students to experiment in a wide array of 的atre styles and configurations. 这个空间大约能容纳 40-50 people and has a simple lighting system that is perfect for 的 student productions.

Courses taught in 的 戏剧艺术 can serve as a foundation for many degrees and/or 职业,例如:

  • 技术人员/生产

    Theatrical design, concert production technician, stage technician, museum display design, entertainment industry technician and producer.

  • 方向

    Director, technical director, stage manager and administrator.

  • 演员

    演员, radio presenter, acting coach and voice actor.

  • 教育

    Elementary teacher, high school teacher and college professor.



